General conditions of use for the web
- The use of this web space is subject to the complete acceptance by the user of these General Conditions of Use, or those that are in force at each moment in which the user accesses the site.
- Access to this site is only permitted for legal uses, following the present General Conditions, the applicable law at each moment, in addition to ethics, good practice and public order. The company reserves the right to withdraw access to this site, without prior notice, to any user which contravenes this legal notice, in addition to inform the relevant authorities the undertaking of activities which could constitute a criminal office.
- The company reserves the unilateral right to change at any moment, the present General Conditions of use, as well as other general conditions or particular conditions in its web page. Also, it reserves the right to modify at any moment the presentation, configuration and location of the web site, in addition to the contents and the conditions required to use these.
- The User recognizes that access to this site is carried out under the user’s free consent and that the sole responsibility falls upon the user.
- Rotogal, S.L.U. reserves the right to inform the competent Authority of any other use which could attempt against the interests and rights of the company or which could be a criminal offence.
- Rotogal, S.L.U. reserves the right to put an end to this web service at any time without further requirements than a 15 day notice in the present conditions.
- Rotogal, S.L.U. cannot guarantee the permanent availability of the service offered by this site, neither can it be held responsible for whatever damages can be produced in the future, neither due to technical defects, whichever their nature, derived from the use of the information contained in this website.
- In the event of a computer security attack, resulting in errors in the information supplied, Rotogal, S.L.U. does not accept responsibility for such errors along with the damages caused by the use of the information derived from these errors.
The content of this web is merely informative, and we accept no responsibility at any moment for possible errors produced in its presentation. If you require more detailed information you can contact us through the email or by telephone.
Ownership of industrial and intellectual property
- The industrial and intellectual property of any logos, emblems, or any element incorporated in the design of this site belongs exclusively to Rotogal, S.L.U. The User recognizes and accepts these rights. The elements of this web over which Rotogal, S.L.U. has no rights of intellectual or industrial property are used with the corresponding permission.
- The reproduction of all or part of the content of is prohibited along with its transmission or recording by any system of information recovery, in any form and with any media, unless authorization in writing has been previously given by Rotogal, S.L.U.
- Circumvention of the copyright and rights of Rotogal, S.L.U. is not permitted, in addition to attempts to evade or avoid the systems in place, which may be used for the protection of the contents. The right to use citations is permitted as long as the source of where the material if from is indicated.
- Any violation of the intellectual or industrial property rights of this portal or the elements of Rotogal, S.L.U. will be subject to the approriate legal actions to ensure the protection of these.
Applicable law
- Rotogal, S.L.U. informs that this web site is located in Spain, the country in which it offers its services, and due to this the only legislation applicable to resolve any conflict with respect to the interpretation of these conditions, is the legislation of Spain, as well as the International Treaties which Spain has signed.
- By acceptance of the present General Conditions, the user agrees to submit to the jurisdiction and the Courts of the city of Ribeira, to resolve any controversy related to the previous paragraph.
How to contact us If you wish to clarify any aspect regarding the conditions of use described, please contact the following addresses: if you contact us via email or in writing to Rotogal, S.L.U. Polígono Industrial Espiñeira 36B, 15930, Boiro, A Coruña, Spain. Information identifying the supplier of services for the effects of the Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce Act (the LSSI-CE) Rotogal S.L.U. Registered office: Polígono Industrial Espiñeira, parcela 36B, 15930, Boiro, A Coruña, España. Tel. +34 981 849 901 Fax +34 981 849 902 Company registration: registered in the mercantile register of A Coruña, Inscription of the sheet number C-32786, page 171 of the volume 2813 of the File, General Section Fiscal identification number: B-15926801